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PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)


PROMPT is a holistic approach for the treatment of articulation and motor-speech disorders that integrates with language learning and social skills.  It enables multi-sensory feedback that helps with sequencing movements from one sound to the next and across longer utterances, challenges often associated with apraxia of speech.  While most well known for it's use of tactile-kinesthetic cues to teach vowel and consonant placement within the physical sensory domain, PROMPT's theoretical framework also embraces the cognitive-linguistic and social-emotional domains of human development.  With an understanding that deficits in one domain impact other domains, treatment targets maximize functional gains because they are the sounds, words, and phrases that are most useful within each child's environment but still within their current motor-speech capacity.  This in turn allows more opportunities for communication success from which to build upon.   A comprehensive assessment will guide us in finding an appropriate starting point for target words and phrases.   You can read more about PROMPT therapy at

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